Sabinov bol nepretržite sídlom okresu, jeho nová administratívna budova bola postavená v roku 1932. Prvou stavbou svojho druhu na východnom Slovensku bol aj nový kultúrny dom, ktorý pristavili k budove kaviarne a hotela v roku 1934. Tým boli vytvorené priaznivé podmienky pre rozvoj kultúrneho života v meste. Bývalý hotel a kaviareň s kultúrnym domom je dnes po rozsiahlej rekonštrukcii reprezentačným hotelom Torysa.
Sabinov has always been a district capital, and the new administrative headquarters were built in 1932. The new cultural centre which was built on to the café and the hotel in 1934 was the first building of its kind in Eastern Slovakia. This created favourable conditions for the development of cultural life in the town. After an extensive reconstruction the former hotel and café with cultural centre became today's representative Torysa Hotel.