Gróf Ballestrém, jedna z najvplyvnejších osobností obdobia pred 1. svetovou vojnou, dal postaviť zámok v ústí Svitačovej doliny za obcou Kunerad. Stavba sa realizovala v období rokov 1914 – 1916 a predstavuje vtedajšiu modernú secesnú budovu, ktorá čerpala inšpiráciu v súdobej francúzskej architektúre.
Biele múry, terasy, exteriérové schodiská, arkády a vežičky spolu s kontrastnou červenou strechou oživujú toto bývalé lovecké sídlo. Vysoké strechy s vikiermi a prevýšeným stredom pripomínajú akoby gotický vplyv. Zariadenie interiéru kopírovalo jeho vonkajšie prvky.
V minulosti zámok disponoval aj vlastnou vodnou elektrárňou. Pri budove sa nachádza aj malý vodopád vytvorený odpadovou vodou z turbíny ako pozostatok tohto technického riešenia sebestačnosti. Kuneradský zámok bol vybavený komfortne a vtedajším najmodernejším zariadením.V roku 2010 požiar zničil strechu zámku.
Count Ballestrem, one of the most influential personalities during the pre-war period, had a chateau built at the entrance of Svitačová valley, behind the Kunerad community. The construction was realized during 1914 – 1916 and represents that time modern Art Nouveau building, which was inspired by contemporary French architecture.\n\nWhite walls, terraces, exterior stairways, arcades and little towers together with the contrast red roof vitalize this former stalking seat. High housetops with dormers and cambered centre remind Gothic- like influence. The interior's equipment copied its external features.\n\nThe castle disposed of its own hydroelectric power station in the past as well. Moreover, a little waterfall is situated near the building, created by sewage water from the turbine as a relic of this technical self-sufficient solution. Kunerad Castle was equipped comfortably by that time latest furnishing.\n\nThe chateau was planned to serve for hunting, recreational anda formal purposes for Austrian and German nobles before the World War I. In preference it was expected that contemporary Austrian emperor Franz Joseph and German imperator Wilhelm II. would have spent their leisure time there. The chateau served as a seat for meeting purposes of the whole Ballestrem family who met together two times annually – in spring and autumn. Such a stay wedded with the visitation of surrounding forests linked with hunts or with closer knowing of foresters' work maintaining patrimonial forests. Earl Ballestrem as well as his family was generally well known for his scholarship, ardour and faith predominantly. Chapel of St. Teresa of Jesus is a proof of that.\n\nThe change occurs during the World War II, more accurately on the 25th of September 1944, when the chateau served as the seat of guerrilla headquarters. After partial successes of the partisans in Slovak National Uprising, German forces plundered and burned out the chateau.\n\nLater on, it was widely reconstructed in 1959.\n\nKunerad Castle is located in beautiful, calm environment of wild forests, which represent an ideal place for climatic therapy and for healing of non-tuberculosis infections of respiratory system. Until the last decade of the 20th century, it was intensely used for various curative objectives. It belongs to the Rajecké Teplice spa estates' management nowadays. Recently, the chateau is closed and used just only for special events or extraordinary occasions.